Thursday, October 29, 2015

Alot to talk about!

This is a ribbon embroidery piece I did awhile ago in a class taught by Karen Phillips- Shwallon .I took this class with my Aunt Lowene. I made it into a pillow but decided it was to nice to have as a pillow. So cut up pillow and found this perfect frame for it. I love how it looks  in this frame. Its hanging in my living room.

 I finished my cross stitch sewing kit that I started back in 2012. I was going to have Bruce get me the sewing box and pin cushion kit to put it together for Christmas but decided it was to expensive. It would of been over 200.00 and I just couldn't do it. So I found this cute box and it turned out great!

Also been taking a quilt class at Paw Patch in Mt. Vernon and were using a book called mix and match blocks A Comprehensive Handbook by Leisure Arts. It has over 200 blocks you can choose from. 
This block is called Chain.

The next 2 blocks are not sewed together yet but cut out and hanging on design wall ready to sew. 1st one is called Card Tricks
 and this next block is Swamp Angel.
We still have 3 other blocks to add in.

I love collecting old sewing spools. When my son moved out he didn't want this gumball lamp we had in his room. So I just remembered that and decided to put in craft room and put the vintage spools in the gumball part. I love how it looks in craft room.

The next two items were found at a estate sale. I put this cabinet in craft room

And put this adorable tea cart in kitchen.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Finally finished !!!!!!!!

It's only been since 2012 when I started this with my buddy Delana. This picture is the finished top for sewing box.
I forgot all about this project until Delana talked about it in a post on her blog. So I went on a hunt for mine and decided I wanted to finish before christmas so that I can put on my Christmas list the sewing shaker box and shaker pin cushion set to put it all together. Not cheep so did not wanna buy till finished:)
The next picture is the finished piece for the scissor fob. Still need to put it together. Going to use this red fabric and cording on it.
Next picture is needle book all put together.I love how it turned out:)

And this picture is needle book opened up so you can see top and bottom stitching.

And last picture is  top for pin cushion.
Can't wait to get shaker box for sewing box and pin cushion:)
When I get them I will put all together and put pictures on a post.
Thank you Delana for reminding me about this project:)